Saturday, August 11, 2012

About Me Update! Huzzahh!

It took forever (there's a horrible heat wave at the moment) but I have just updated my ABOUT ME section.  In the bio, I also included a clip of the fabulous Marc Martel singing in QUEEN EXTRAVAGANZA, a concert tribute to my favourite band in the world.

PS. I would also like to drop in a word for the artistic creator of my blog, Sharon Henry of PLUMROSE LANE, who did a fabulous job of all the whizbangs & decoretage!  Thank you, dear Sharon. 


  1. OMG!! You're absolutely priceless ~ read your new and improved "About Me" page, ♪LoVeD it♪
    You've really got to get out in blogland more for visits and "Following" ~ simply so others can find you and bask in your whit as I do!

  2. I'm too hot to be witty. There's a frightful heat wave going on and I do believe a fly just died on my keyboard of heatstroke.
