Computer Techie Dude says its a hard drive problem and my computer's life is flickering on the knife-edge of non-existence. I have to buy a new computer or have Hewlett Packard install a new hard drive for around $300. So I talked to my sister and she agreed to let me mooch off her for a new PC. I balked at the $2000 price she quoted (she's a high tech sort of gal), but she told me *Moochers can't be choosers* and to bow to her expertise. LOL. So I am going into 2013, oweing more money! Wooohooo! Just makes you heart go pitter patter in excitement, doesn't it?
I want a new computer for Christmas! Ok, maybe not. The fact is: I am Hell on computers. Two years with me and they collapse, stuck in a neverending cycle of Lock & Load. My sister says I don't protect my computers from dust & other malevolent particles, so a month ago, I started covering my current machine with a pretty ruffled pillow case. Alas, my computer continues to cough & sputter, and after taking over 6 hours to shut down, I finally had to call an AT&T technician to check its kidneys. He will come on December 24, Christmas Eve, between 8 and 9AM, and I will have to pay him the princely sum of $179, whether he can fix it or not. The $179 charge will automatically be added to our monthly AT&T bill, so no filthy lucre changes hands, but now, I'm wondering how much I should tip the technician. Any suggestions?
My sister: Hey, you left your microwavable sock in the potting shed! Me: Er, thanks. I was looking for that.
PS. My two engraved retirement plaques (this includes the one with the wrong inscription) are now in my desk drawer, next to the stamps, paper clips and, bizarrely, three Free 500 Hours AOL Sign-Up discs. Oh dear. I think there are people at work who have never even heard of AOL.
I am not a particularly craftsy person (glue terrifies me!) but on my Last Day at Work, I received the most beautiful hand-crafted gift from the staff. A dear friend, S. made a splendid library-themed box and filled it with artfully embellished goodbye notes from my co-workers. As the person who usually made most of the Retirement Gifts for departing staff, I was so touched that anyone would go to so much trouble, and so much glue! The details were amazing! Thank you, dearest S., I will treasure this box forever, and thanks also to all the wonderful people I worked with at the library, for making everyday a revelation.
Friday, Nov. 30 was my Last Day at work. I had a wonderful retirement party and I got a tremendous going-away staff gift. (Pictures next week!) I hugged goodbye my despised ex-director who hugged me back and pretended to care. Our wonderfully thoughtful management put the wrong number of years of service on my *Award* plaque. (Not exactly an unexpected development from this gang of twits.) I was going to write more, but last night, I started sneezing my head off and my temperature was slightly elevated. So now, I have the Flu on the First Day of the Rest of My Life. Bleech.
Hello, my name is Melinda, and I started this blog to change the world or to get free shrimp chips online, whichever comes first. (Call me, Asian Food Grocer!) Anyway, I'm Filipino, 50+ and just itching to retire on a smallish fixed income. I don't cook; I don't drive; I don't do Facebook or Twitter; and AMAZON is my second home. And while I am no Jonathan Swift, I do enjoy a bit of snark from time to time. Click the large banner ABOUT ME for my longer profile.