Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Most Beautiful Box in the World!

I am not a particularly craftsy person (glue terrifies me!) but on my Last Day at Work, I received the most beautiful hand-crafted gift from the staff.  A dear friend, S. made a splendid library-themed box and filled it with artfully embellished goodbye notes from my co-workers.  As the person who usually made most of the Retirement Gifts for departing staff, I was so touched that anyone would go to so much trouble, and so much glue!  The details were amazing!  Thank you, dearest S., I will treasure this box forever, and thanks also to all the wonderful people I worked with at the library, for making everyday a revelation.

                                                                 The Retirement Box.    

                                                                         "Open Sesame!"


  1. Wow, that really is a special gift! Isn't it amazing how our worth to others can so often become apparent only after our time with them is over. Great posting!

  2. You cannot imagine how touched I was by this gift -- it must have taken weeks to do, and I hadn't even known S. that long, perhaps less than 5 years. I told S. that she had now inherited my retirement gift "sideline" and she laughed that my gift was it, and she will do no more. :)
