Monday, December 17, 2012

Retirement Zzzzzzzz ...

Wow, has it been two weeks already since that Unforgettable Day of Liberation?  I can't believe it!  TWO WEEKS!  No, I'm not bored -- nor do I miss my job.  But I haven't done much either.  Let me see ...  I took our somewhat matted Maltese to the groomer; scrubbed the stubborn grime off the kitchen backsplash with Mr. Clean Magic Eraser (I love these sponges -- so effective!); hoed some weeds off the flower beds for about half an hour; stuffed ten giant plastic bags with old clothes and donated it all to St Vincent De Paul; guzzled some egg nog while cheerfully watching DEXTER murder his 118th victim, and then ... NOTHING.  I feel like doing nothing.  I haven't even finished my cheesy paranormal paperback which I started way back in October.  Worse, I don't even have the energy to write a spine-tingling exposé about the Shocking Behaviour of Upper Management in Academic Libraries, which would likely have won me a Bloggy Pulitzer.  And let's not discuss my .. hmmm ... appearance. Heh.

My sister:  Hey, you left your microwavable sock in the potting shed!
Me:  Er, thanks.  I was looking for that.

PS. My two engraved retirement plaques (this includes the one with the wrong inscription) are now in my desk drawer, next to the stamps, paper clips and, bizarrely, three Free 500 Hours AOL Sign-Up discs. Oh dear.  I think there are people at work who have never even heard of AOL.


  1. Doing nothing sounds just right :-) Glad to hear you're enjoying retirement.

  2. If only my credit card were just as inactive. LOL. Merry Christmas!
