Monday, December 3, 2012

Retirement Fluey!

Friday, Nov. 30 was my Last Day at work.  I had a wonderful retirement party and I got a tremendous going-away staff gift. (Pictures next week!)  I hugged goodbye my despised ex-director who hugged me back and pretended to care.  Our wonderfully thoughtful management put the wrong number of years of service on my *Award* plaque. (Not exactly an unexpected development from this gang of twits.)  I was going to write more, but last night, I started sneezing my head off and my temperature was slightly elevated.  So now, I have the Flu on the First Day of the Rest of My Life.  Bleech.  



  1. Ah, it's better to get the crappy part over in the beginning so you can enjoy the rest of the time! (just thinking positively) *wink*
    ♫Happy Retirement♫

  2. Thank you, Sharon. I hope my toilet seat cover breaking off isn't another omen of thingies to come! Eeeek! Maybe time to move all those decorating magazines out of the loo? :)

  3. I just discovered your blog through Grace's blogroll. Was just reading through all your posts when I came across this one. When I retied (almost 6 years ago), I got sick the very first day of my retirement. Then I kept feeling better, than worse, then better, then worse for about 6 weeks! I wonder if there's something about getting across that finish line that just takes so much effort, your body rebels right after?
